News and Events

We love to hear about your experience and see your photographs through the seasons. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and share our pages. We know we've done a great job when you've had a fantastic day out!


The Serpentine Community Farm Buxton are looking to appoint someone to help with the Serpentine Community Farm. Full details of the role, including contact details can be found below.

THE ROLE - We are looking to appoint an individual (or 2 people on a job share arrangement) who has the skills, time and commitment to help us with the planning, sowing, planting, growing and selling of organic produce from the Serpentine Community Farm. You will have experience in growing vegetables but more importantly will have the time to dedicate at least 14 hours a week (during Spring, Summer and Autumn) to the role. You will also have a keen interest in working with the local community.

Because we are in the developmental stages of the project, the role is currently unpaid. However, you are free to "pick your own" and use the produce grown on the site (within reason!). This role will be suitable for someone who is seeking to develop their existing horticultural and organisational skills.

Specific responsibilities will include:

* Developing and implementing a yearly planting plan (including crop rotation) for the site.
* Purchasing seeds and plants.
* Taking decisions about sowing, potting on and planting out.
* Developing monthly work plans for the volunteers.
* Managing plant health and the hygiene of the greenhouse and the poly tunnels and raised beds.
* Understanding how produce can be used.
* Identifying and building client relationships with our customers.
* Delivery of produce to customers.
* Weighing and pricing produce.
* Using our accounting process.

ABOUT US - Serpentine Community Farm (SCF) is a Community Interest Company. We are transforming SCF into a community resource for the people of Buxton (and the surrounding area), to develop and enhance their horticultural skills and knowledge. Our aim is to showcase all aspects of the sustainable food cycle, growing, harvesting, preserving, cooking etc.

OUR VALUES - SCF works on the principles of sustainability and protecting the environment. This means that we:

* grow produce on organic principles, without chemical additives;
* source materials as locally as possible and recycle resources when we can;
* Improve the biodiversity of the site by growing plants, including native wild flowers that are beneficial to insects and will create a habitat that encourages wildlife and insects to flourish.

FOR FURTHER DETAILS - Please do get in touch with us, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us through these channels:

* Farm
* Janine 07752368358

Natures Great Invaders – The Grey Squirrel

BBC Radio 4 are broadcasting a five part series on invasive foreign species.

"The grey squirrel is considered one of the worlds greatest natural invaders. It's been on UK shores for over a hundred years and it's two million strong population dwarfs that of our native red squirrel. It is maligned by many, but does the grey squirrel deserve its reputation as an unstoppable invader? Derek Mooney intends to find out."

Text from BBC Radio 4 Nature's Great Invaders

We have a link to the programme below.

Places and Spaces

The Goyt Valley Before Errwood Reservoir

Fernilee Reservoir Today.

The short film that you can view by clicking on the link below was made in 1932 during the building of the Fernilee Reservoir. The area of the Goyt valley that is now the Errwood Reservoir was not flooded until 1968.

The film can be seen on David Sterling's website - see link below. The website is packed full of information about the Goyt Valley and Errwood Hall.

Buxton Town Team – Talking Sign posts

Talking Signposts Daily from 1st July to 31st August

Helping visitors to find their way around the town

A Message from Buxton Town Team;

If you love your town and can spare a bit of time helping visitors find their way around it, then become Talking Signpost. We get very positive feedback from visitors, who love having a real person to talk to, and discovering parts of the town they would never have known about otherwise. This year we're running two shifts per day, from 10.30 - 12.30 and from 12.30 - 14.30, based around the Turner Memorial area. If you are interested in finding out more then click on the links below or email John ( for instructions on what the role entails.


Come on Dad, hurry up if you sit there much longer you will turn to stone!

Congratulations to Viv Russell who submitted the winning entry for our Summer Caption Competition.


A Recipe To Stew Ducks - From the Meat Section -

The following is a recipe for stewed duck. Half roast a duck, put it in a stew pan with a pint of beef gravy, a few leaves of sage and mint cut small and a small bit of onion. Shred as finely as possible. Simmer a quarter of an hour and skim clean; then add near a quart of green peas, cover close, and simmer near half an hour longer. Put in a piece of butter and a little flour and give it one boil, then serve in one dish.

This is a very old recipe, from Mrs Bradshaw, Moorcroft, Macclesfield Road, Buxton.

‘Moorcroft,’ a large stone house in Macclesfield Road, just round the corner from Burlington Road was occupied for many years by Mr and Mrs Salt. Kath Salt was an indefatigable early fund raiser for the Buxton Civic Association for very many years including throughout the 1970s.


Buxton Town Team - Help us Count Coaches

Part of the Work of the Transport Forum is to investigate how many coaches come to Buxton. There are currently only 11 parking places for coaches and before anymore are demanded it would be helpful to know the volume of coach traffic in the town.

High Peak Borough Council have asked Buxton Town Team if they can help them to get more information.

Which is where BCA members come in.

There is a simple survey, which you can access through the link below;

All we need to do is when we are in town, if we spot a parked coach, take the details (location, date, time, company etc) and then fill in the survey on line. If you have a smartphone you will be able to do it there and then - we suggest you bookmark the direct link. If you prefer you can just take a photo showing the coach company details and email it to along with the date, time and location.

The survey will be running through the summer and to the end of October. Students from the University of Derby will then analyse the data for BTT, and it will be taken back to HPBC at the end of the year. The more people take part, the better the quality of the data and the decisions that will result.

Please help keep Buxton on the Move!