Read about Poole's Cavern re-opening and other news

Alyson and Steve Phillips are delighted to present their short audio play
“The Paxtons and The Duke. A ménage a trois?”
Steve Phillips writes “We explore the motivation of these characters in this triangular relationship. We reveal its development, as Paxton's genius grows from gardener to millionaire, supported by the everlasting dedication of Sarah and His Grace.”
A short audio play followed by an interactive discussion about Paxton's contribution to the Buxton we see today.
Anyone can join just email to receive joining instructions.
We have decided that in the interests of the health and safety of our members, speaker and staff to cancel the talk at the Dome this Thursday.
We hope to rearrange it later this year.
We will post updates on future events here and on our Facebook page.
As you are aware BCA are members of the Buxton Visitor Economy Strategy Board. Before Dai Larner left, he asked this Board to act as the Steering Group for the two High Street Regeneration Grants that HPBC have submitted for Buxton. Council Officers appointed consultants to draw up a proposed scheme for the Future High Street Fund bid. Sadly, we do not feel that we have been given the chance to adequately fulfil this steering role. We are very aware of the narrow constraints of the grant scheme, including the short time scale.
As you know this scheme has been out to public consultation over the last couple of weeks, and some BCA members attended a meeting last Wednesday and went through a number of concerns that BCA had with the scheme along with proposed changes to the scheme. (See link below)
We along with other groups in the town are very keen to see improvements to this crucial part of the town but have serious concerns about the scheme being promoted by the consultants. Opportunities such as this grant do not arise often and it is crucial that we get this submission right for the town.
BCA along with other organisations have managed to mobilise in a very short period of time and have held special meetings of our memberships to consider our responses to the scheme. As a result, each of us has submitted detailed responses and proposals to the council.
BCA's response can be found by clicking on the link below, along with a press release that we sent to the Advertiser last week.
Many thanks to all those members who attended the meeting and or sent in responses to the council. We will update the website with further news in due course.
BCA Response to the Future High Street Fund bid for Buxton February 2020
Buxton Spa Prize have organised an 'en plein air' competition for artists of all ages using any medium apart from photography.
Buxton Civic Association are sponsoring the first prize of £500.
To Register come along to The Pump Room, Buxton Crescent to register on Saturday 28th September 2019 between 9.30am and 11.30am.
Then go and create your work of art by anywhere in and around the town.
Return with your finished piece to the Old Clubhouse by 3pm.
Exhibition Preview & Prize Giving from 5pm.
Artists are invited to exhibit and sell their work the next day.
1 Day Exhibition - Sunday 29th September 2019 - Noon to 6pm.
Enter the competition and produce a work of art, see details above
Volunteer to help out on the day with registration and helping with the exhibition, contact Simon Fussell at
Martin will talk about a journey to the legendary Cirque of the Unclimables in the remote Logan Mountains at the northern end of the Rockies in Canada's North West Territories to attempt one of the greatest rock climbs in the world guarded by legions of dangerous beasts and the approach from hell.
As usual the talk will be at Poole's Cavern Visitor Centre starting at 7.30pm. Members and friends are welcome and the event is free.
We are launching our new look Newsletter online, though of course members will still receive a printed version in the post over the next few days.
BCA member Bob Bohme has been working with Newsletter Editor Alyson Phillips to create an exciting newsletter to help explain and promote BCA and its values.
Alyson commentated "It is really exciting to have Bob's creativity and skill to help create a brand new look to the newsletter. We hope you enjoy it and we are already working on the next edition. We welcome contributions and suggestions and please let us know what you think about the new look."