Grant funding brings a welcome to the woods

The Welcome Sign to Grin Woods

One of the Summer Interpretation Signs in Grin Woods

Until a few years ago one of the best kept secrets in Buxton was who was the owners of the beautiful woods that surround the town and add so much to its character.
Most locals and many visitors have spent time in the woods, enjoying the trees, the bird song and in May in Corbar the spectacular blue bell display.
They enjoy following the sculpture trail in Grin Low woods or perhaps stopping to pass the time of day with the quarryman who sits on the main route up to Solomon's Temple.
But ask them who owns the woods and 4 out of 5 will look blank before offering the Council as a possibility.
Now with the help and support of the Leader Project, part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Economic Development, the woods have welcome signs at the entrances and a range of interesting, informative interpretation signs at key points in the woods, to explain and encourage people to look about them. To add to the interest some of these signs change with the seasons.
So now there is no excuse for not knowing who owns the beautiful woodlands.
And the owners?
Buxton Civic Association of course.