Vision Buxton Summer Social

Vision Buxton Summer Social - Thursday 2nd July
On Thursday 2nd July, Vision Buxton is holding it's biggest ever Summer Social Event at the Devonshire Dome, Buxton. At only £10 a head - and being generously hosted and subsidised by Vision Buxton sponsors the University of Derby - the event promises to be a great night. With catering students showcasing their culinary talents, and capacity for up to 80 guests, there is plenty of space to invite partners and work colleagues. Members of Buxton Civic Association are very welcome to attend!
The event runs from 6.30pm to 9.30pm with a buffet and a cash bar.
To make sure you have a place, please send or hand deliver your £10 per person to Pricketts Solicitors,
Please label envelope Summer Social, FAO Administrator, Vision Buxton and mark clearly your name and e-mail address so you will receive confirmation of your place.
Cheques payable to Vision Buxton.
Hurry and book your place!! Closing date for reserving a place is Monday 22 June.
Full address is;
Vision Buxton
c/o Pricketts
12 Hardwick Street
SK17 6BN
Do contact Maggie Reynolds at if you need any more information