Ovo Energy 2015 tree planting programme
The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) are offering FREE trees through their Ovo Energy 2015 tree planting programme. In total 95,000 trees across the UK will be planted.
TCV are delighted to be supported by this fantastic initiative on behalf of Ovo Energy and we know that 2015 will be a fantastic success planting over 95,000 trees across the UK.
Community Tree Planting Packs, involves communities being provided with saplings and tree guards to maintain the trees throughout their growth process. The sapling packs and guidance information are being made available to community groups, schools, clubs, parish councils, parks for planting in publicly accessible spaces across the UK.
There is a link below with the details of the packs of trees that are available, you are able to order up to 950 trees, if you require more than this then we can review.
We are currently looking at available delivery dates for the trees from 3rd December onwards.
If you would like to go ahead and order the trees, please click on the link below and complete the booking form to place your order.