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Event: 22nd October Illustrated Talk

Before Aquae Arnemetiae

Dr Ian Parker Heath of Enrichment through Archaeology will give an illustrated talk on the archaeology and pre-history of Buxton and its surroundings before the arrival of the Romans.

The illustrated talk will be held at Poole's Cavern Visitor Centre on 22nd October, starting at 7.30pm. Members and non-members welcome.

About the Speaker

Ian graduated from the University of Southampton in 1999 with a degree in Archaeology. During this time he gained valuable experience of working on a number of excavations of Neolithic sites in the Southwest of Scotland directed by Julian Thomas, including the cursus monuments at Holm and Holywood.

Subsequent to his undergraduate degree, Ian undertook a PhD at the University of Manchester under the supervision of Dr Tim Insoll and funded by the AHRB. Following a long standing interest, the subject of this research was ‘The Representation of Islam in British Museums’. During this period, Ian also took part in buildings surveys in the West Bank as a team member of the Medieval & Ottoman Survey, a project supported by the British Academy. An edited version of his PhD was published by BAR Archaeopress in 2007.

Ian has also continued to work on Neolithic sites: he worked on the Dunragit Project (1999-2002), the excavation of a substantial palisaded and pit defined cursus monument near Stranraer; and between 2004 and 2009 he was a supervisor on the Stonehenge Riverside Project, working with Prof Julian Thomas on Durrington Walls, the Stonehenge Cursus and the long barrow, Amesbury G42. For the past 2 years he has been working with Prof Thomas on sites in Herefordshire.

Ian also has in interest in teaching, having taught a number of Archaeology courses at the University of Derby College Buxton. He has a wide-ranging knowledge of the archaeology of the Peak District having run guided tours in the area.

Buxton Diamonds

Illustrated Talk to Friends of Buxton Museum - 25th September

Members may be interested in a forthcoming illustrated talk to the Friends of Buxton Museum, at 7pm on Friday 25th September, at the Museum.

The theme of the talk is “Buxton Diamonds”, which were mentioned in our Autumn 2014 Newsletter (see photo above). The talk is being given by Roy Starkey who has been researching the history of these interesting crystals over the past five years and a paper describing his findings will be published in the Journal of the Russell Society at the end of this year.

The talk will review the fascinating history, geological context and mineralogy of the crystals, illustrated with surviving specimens from museum and private collections.

There is a small charge of £3 for non-members, and refreshments are served after the talk.

International Speleothem Conference and Summer School

Delegates to the International Summer School Conference

Buxton Civic Association hosted an International Speleothem Summer School at Poole’s Cavern Visitor Centre during the last week in August. Speleothems are mineral deposits formed from groundwater within caverns. Stalagmites, stalactites, and other forms may be annually banded or contain compounds that can be radiometrically dated.

Using Poole's cavern as a base, the conference was aimed at researchers studying stalagmite growth and atmospheric changes in caves around the world and how climate change patterns can be recorded and analysed. The conference hosts included Prof. John Gunn and Prof. Ian Fairchild who led seminars and field trips around the cavern and surrounding Limestone hills. Delegates included experts from as far afield as Russia and Spain as well as Birmingham University, Oxford and Royal Holloway.

Heritage Open Days – 10th to 13th September 2015

Written by Netta Christie on August 25, 2015
Enjoy some of Buxton's best kept secrets for free …
Heritage Open Days are an opportunity for free access to some of our nations hidden gems. Many unique and undiscovered historical sites around the country will be throwing open their doors for free over this 21st Heritage Open Days weekend. With Buxton joining in again this year, it will be a great opportunity to see some rare sights of Buxton. The Old Hall Hotel will be offering in conjunction with Netta Christie, Director of Discover Buxton Tours some interesting insights into our heritage.

Mark Cocker lecture

Mark Cocker, environmentalist, campaigner and writer and old Buxtonian is giving a lecture at the WILD THING conference in Sheffield on 9th September 2015. The title of the talk is 'Birds and people'.

You can apply for tickets by clicking on the link below, but places are limited.

Details of talk and booking details

Corporate support is invaluable

Mike Monaghan and Alan Walker thank Viv Russell of Tarmac for their contribution of stone for the pathways in Grin Woods

Viv Russell, Lime and Powders Director at Tarmac, visited Poole’s Cavern visitor centre, at the invitation of Buxton Civic Association, to inspect the path restoration work that the Association had carried out in Grinlow woods, with the generous help of stone and material supplied from Tarmac.

Thanking Viv Russell, and Tarmac for their help Mike said;

"The support and help that we have had from Tarmac has enabled us to improve the paths considerably and to carry the work out much more quickly. The work to the paths is vital as it has improved the accessibility to the woods as well as protecting key areas of the woods from erosion and damage."

Enabling as many people as possible to have access to the woods is a key objective of Buxton Civic Association whilst ensuring that the flora and fauna is protected and the site retains its SSSI status.
"It is great to be able to work in partnership with Tarmac and other local companies to help ensure that our wonderful woods can be of benefit to locals and visitors alike” added Mike.
Tarmac supplied stone for much of the restored pathways in two of the Association’s woods, Corbar and Grinlow. The stone was transported to site by Lomas Distribution.

Enabling as many people as possible to have access to the woods is a key objective of Buxton Civic Association whilst ensuring that the flora and fauna is protected and the site retains its SSSI status.

"It is great to be able to work in partnership with Tarmac and other local companies to help ensure that our wonderful woods can be of benefit to locals and visitors alike” added Mike.

Tarmac supplied stone for much of the restored pathways in two of the Association’s woods, Corbar and Grinlow. The stone was transported to site by Lomas Distribution.

A stroll in Sherbrook plantation

You hear them first. The young make a plaintiff cry, calling and mewing, unmistakable and distinctive. I step out of the wood and turn back to look above it. Then they are there, the female clutching something in her talons executes a food pass, a small song bird by the looks of it. The young circle the trees before diving down to the nest and a meal. the humble sparrow hawk, the bird of prey that you are most likely to see in your garden, but I never cease to thrill at the sight of them on the wing.

Though under twenty acres the wood is full of interest. There is a badger sett dug into one of the spoil heaps. At first glance it looks deserted. But on closer inspection one of the holes looks like it has been recently dug. Perhaps a returning badger or possibly a fox.

During the summer a dry river bed gives away the geology. The stream flows off Stanley moor, in winter fed by springs but in the drier summer, disappears underground. It continues on through the wood to join the Wye at Lovers leap in Ashwood dale.

Lilly, my collie, is fascinated by all the different smells and is reluctant to move away from one patch that is obviously particularly pungent. I coax her away and she moves onto the next set of scents. The doggie equivalent of surfing the web, picking up messages from the other animals that have passed this way.

Like many of the woods that surround Buxton, the trees here were part of a plantation, planted to hide the scars from the lime burning. Over the years it has evolved a character of its own though. Less dense than Grin woods, it clings to the side of the narrow valley, dark and oppressive before giving way to open lighter glades. Everywhere there is dead wood, so vital and important to its health and well-being.

The sparrow hawks have fallen silent. Across the narrow valley I can hear the ducks from the riding school quacking. Lilly tugs at her lead to remind me that there are other things to get on with than simply standing still and watching the trees. We set off back down the path past the cottage of Content. I can let Lilly off the lead, and she races across the grass before turning round and in true collie fashion drops to the ground and waits, expectantly for the ball.

Places and Spaces Project – update

The Places and Spaces project is progressing. Further to the members meeting held in May, we are publishing (see link below) a complete list of the sites that were selected. We have also attached the list of selections sorted by themes.

The list is not final, and will be added to as and when further places and spaces are notified as being of relevance to the project.

A further meeting was held on 19th July and it was agreed that three of those themes would be further developed.

The three themes are;

1. Gateways to the town.
2. Vulnerable and at risk sites
3. Heritage trails

Three groups have been set up to progress these elements of the project. If anyone is interested in being involved please get in touch by email to our email address on the contact page on this website.

List of selections made at Places and Spaces Meeting 14th May 2015