Another Challenging Year
Freezing Temperatures Frosts and Snow

Poole’s Cavern is doing well despite these difficult times. On the back of the Jubilee and the Olympics when the whole world seemed focused on Britain, the question was this year what could we do to top that. Well we started off with a dreadful spring; remember the cold Easter with the car park under three feet of snow?
But … it’s been a really good year with lots of school visits and high visitor numbers. Caves have been promoted nationally through the Cool Caves hash tag with the English Tourist Board. The idea was to chill out in blistering heat – remember those days?
We now have planning consent for the toilet for the disabled which will include a baby change facility. This new toilet block is for use when the Visitor Centre is closed.
We must send out a huge thank you to all the cavern staff . Five star Recommendations have been scored on Trip Advisor and that’s because we have a great cave and friendly staff .
Download the full BCA newsletter Issue 25 Autumn 2013