Is it a bird?
This year Buxton Civic Association is celebrating the International Dawn Chorus Day on May 3rd. This is an international event and will be taking place all around the world. Birds sing throughout the day but morning is the ideal time for them to establish their territory and impress a potential mate. We expect to hear the three species of Thrush (Song, Mistle and Blackbird), three species of Tit (Great, Blue and Coal), the Crows, Collared Dove, Woodpigeon, Chaffinch, Robin, Nuthatch, Greater Spotted Woodpecker and some of the summer migrants. Our event will be held at Grin Low woods and we will meet in the car park for a 5:00am start. The event will last for a couple of hours but it is for you to decide when you want to leave. Please do bring warm clothing and suitable foot wear for walking. Binoculars will also be a useful item to bring. Please contact Simon Fussell at communications@buxtoncivicassociation.org.uk to register your interest.
If you want to brush up on your bird song there is a link below to the RSPB website where if click on the links to the appropriate species there is recording of their songs.