Water Street
Some suggestions on how to improve it.

Artist's Impression of how the Old Toilet site on Water Street could look.

The Old Toilet site on Water Street as it is now.
One of the areas that was identified as 'neglected' in the first Vulnerable Places and Spaces survey was the Old Toilet site on Water Street.
It is currently vacant, though it is used as an off street car park on occasions. We have offered to create a sensory garden on the site with seating and perhaps a statute or two.
We have had an encouraging response from High Peak Borough Council, though for the next few months the site will be used as storage for the building works that are taking place at the Opera House during the spring.
Lyn Noble has prepared an artists impression of how the site could look based on ideas that Diane White has had.
Before working up a detailed proposal we would be interested in ascertaining people's thoughts and ideas.
Please feel free to contact us via the contact form on our website.