Tag Archives: tourism


Buxton Town Team - Help us Count Coaches

Part of the Work of the Transport Forum is to investigate how many coaches come to Buxton. There are currently only 11 parking places for coaches and before anymore are demanded it would be helpful to know the volume of coach traffic in the town.

High Peak Borough Council have asked Buxton Town Team if they can help them to get more information.

Which is where BCA members come in.

There is a simple survey, which you can access through the link below;

All we need to do is when we are in town, if we spot a parked coach, take the details (location, date, time, company etc) and then fill in the survey on line. If you have a smartphone you will be able to do it there and then - we suggest you bookmark the direct link. If you prefer you can just take a photo showing the coach company details and email it to coachsurvey@buxtontownteam.org along with the date, time and location.

The survey will be running through the summer and to the end of October. Students from the University of Derby will then analyse the data for BTT, and it will be taken back to HPBC at the end of the year. The more people take part, the better the quality of the data and the decisions that will result.

Please help keep Buxton on the Move!