Tag Archives: Rewilding

What future do we want for our Uplands?

Dr Tim Birch Head of Living Landscapes North, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust will talk about his vision for the Uplands

"We will continue to present the arguments for a new approach to our uplands where wildlife can thrive and people and the local economy benefit."

The Goyt valley is ideal for re-wilding and the reintroduction of keystone species

What future do we want for our Uplands? With Brexit looming there are exciting possibilities if we think differently about our Uplands. We can carry on with business as normal or we can look to a future where our Uplands are full of wildlife and truly wild places. That will be good news for wildlife, people and the local economy.

Come along to our September Members talk on Friday 21st September at 7.30pm at Poole's Cavern Visitor Centre and hear about Tim's and Derbyshire Wildlife Trust's exciting vision for the future of our uplands.

The talk is free to BCA members and their friends.

Rewilding Britain

What is rewilding? Helen Meech (Director of Rewilding Britain) talks to BBC Breakfast

It’s not about abandoning land or reducing biodiversity... Rewilding Britain director, Helen Meech, appeared on the famous BBC Breakfast red sofa to discuss 'Wild Britain' with Ross Murray, Country Land & Business Association, and Robin Milton, NFU.