Places and Spaces Project
Litter at Lovers Leap
One of the issues that the Places and Spaces project has identified as of particular concern is the volume of rubbish that accumulates in and around some of our most famous beauty spots. Lovers Leap was mentioned at the last committee meeting, and so on a mild and sunny Monday morning, Roger Floyd and Simon Fussell set off to investigate and to see if it was practical and safe to organise some future litter picking activities at this famous landmark.
As can be seen from the photographs there is plenty of litter. In the space of an hour Roger and Simon picked up four sacks from the top of the gorge and from the lay by and path by the river.

The leaf litter obscures plastic bottles and cans

After ten minutes litter picking above the gorge

Roger Floyd with another bag of rubbish

The river has some old plant and machinery in it.

this is by the side of the path

Some of the rubbish from the side of the Gorge and the river
There is still lots of rubbish left at the sites. To tackle the problem properly will require a risk assessment and to ensure that anyone helping out is properly equipped. The A6 is busy and very dangerous and there are significant drops from the top of the gorge down to the stream.
We will also be contacting HPBC to request that they remove some of the larger objects.
We plan to hold a litter picking day at Lovers Leap at some point in the New Year, so if you are interested in helping out contact us at;