News and Views from BCA November 2023

The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness
The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness
The intrepid Seven go caving in Poole's Cavern
This edition focuses on Buxton's Transport with contributions from BCA Member Ian Morris and an interview with Buxton Town Team's Tina Heathcote. We also have some thoughts on getting inspiration from nature during the lockdown from Frances Sussex and the latest on BCA's save our swifts project. Trevor Donald takes a look at excursions from Buxton in 1819. Lyn Noble writes about being inspired by Buxton's woodlands to paint and members can order prints of his woodland paintings.
Our Spring Newsletter is now available to read online (See below). This is the last edition where the design, layout and photography will be done by Bob Bohme and he has perhaps left his best to last. We would like to thank Bob for the fantastic work he has done over the past two years or so and wish him all the best on his travels.
We are in safe hands though as Lucy Marsden is taking over the design. layout and photography. Looking forward to the summer edition already.
Our Summer Newsletter is now available online by clicking on the link below.
The theme for the next Newsletter is Water and we aim to publish it in February 2020.
If you want to contribute to it then please get in touch with Alyson Phillips at
We hope you enjoy our Summer edition.