The RAF site at Harpur Hill
Dr Alan Roberts will be giving a public lecture at the University of Derby, Buxton campus on Sunday 10th September at 3.00pm on the RAF Bomb Store at Harpur Hill.
The official name of the bomb store was RAF Maintenance Unit 28, which operated from December 1939 to November 1960. MU 28 was of high strategic importance throughout the war. The major storage area was a reinforced concrete structure of novel design, covered with quarry waste to conceal and protect it, supplied from a railway siding. A large area of surrounding land housed many additional, smaller scale, facilities.
Dr Alan Roberts talk will cover the design of the structure, construction difficulties and problems arising during its operation, together with the Unit's involvement in the early days of Mountain Rescue and its legacy in terms of housing, buildings later used to house the College of Further Education and even a Mushroom Farm!
Details of the event will be posted on the Heritage Open Day website - see link below

Buxton Advertiser article from 2014