We want to involve our local community in contributing to our new souvenir guide for Poole’s Cavern & Buxton Country Park.
We're looking for beautiful images that celebrate our natural environment, along with Buxton’s heritage and historic architecture, including:
• Poole’s Cavern – with its stunning limestone formations
• BCA woodlands - Grin Low (Buxton Country Park), Corbar, Gadley, Sherbrook, Hogshaw Woods, Shay Lodge, Ashwood Dale in all seasons!
• Woodland wildlife - snapshots of the amazing flora and fauna in our woodlands
• Historic Buxton - iconic landmarks, local highlights, and scenes to celebrate our vibrant visitor economy.
Whether you are a seasoned pro or an enthusiastic amateur, we welcome your perspective! We only ask that photos are your own work and high-resolution to be used in print. We will provide a complimentary copy of the souvenir guide to the successful entrants!
In order to be considered, you must download the entry form from our website.
Complete and return the form, along with your photos, in an email to our Membership & Marketing Officer:
Submit your photos and entry form by 6th December for a chance to be featured in this meaningful project supporting Buxton Civic Association.
News and Events
We love to hear about your experience and see your photographs through the seasons. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and share our pages. We know we've done a great job when you've had a fantastic day out!
En Plein Air – Come Rain or Shine
Lyn Noble and Kathyrn Howson report on a very successful first En Plein Air competition
They knew that it would happen come rain or shine, and it did. Add to that a blustery wind and the stage was set for a challenging art competition in the “plein air” (remember your school French?).
On 28th September artists from as far afield as Plymouth and Whaley Bridge descended on the Pump Room to sign in for a five hour battle with the elements and produce a work of art that would be exhibited and judged in the Old Clubhouse at the end of the day.
More than 40 artists braved the elements and most people found a moderately sheltered location; two brave attempts to paint in the open were sadly washed away by the rain but the artists started again under cover. Despite, or perhaps because of the weather, everyone rose to the challenge and clearly enjoyed the day.
The judging panel was led by The Buxton Spa Prize 2019 winner, Simon Roderick. Also judging were Sarah Males, director of Buxton Civic Association and Kate Dickson, member of BCA and director of Creative Heritage (a Buxton Spa Prize sponsor). The Bingham Trust was represented by trustee Christine McMullan. Jonathan Dawson, Managing Director of Buxton Crescent Heritage Trust & Thermal Spa also joined the panel.
The prize winners were chosen as Kieran Ingram – First Prize, winning £500, David Lowther – Second Prize and Conan McPhee – Third Prize.
The event was sponsored by Buxton Civic Association, The Bingham Trust, Buxton Crescent Thermal
Spa and The Buxton Spa Company.
Organisers Neil Scowcroft and Kathryn Howson of The Buxton Spa Prize Team, are delighted with the success of the very first Come Rain or Shine! event and are already planning for next year . . .
Lyn Noble took his camera out and about to photograph some of the artists at work
East Midlands In Bloom
Buxton awarded a Silver-Gilt in the RHS East Midlands in Bloom
Another excellent result for the town in the East Midlands in Bloom. Achieving a silver gilt for the second year running. Claire Millard from the Buxton in Bloom team thanked all the individuals and organisations that had been involved. Commenting on the achievement she said;
" Again the town did really well thanks to your support, sponsorship, enthusiasm and hard work! We increased our marks in each of the three categories of horticultural achievement, environmental responsibility and community participation and were awarded 160 points out of 200."
Poole's Cavern and Country Park was mentioned in the judges report. They were particularly impressed with the wildflower glades and the sculptures.
Come on Dad, hurry up if you sit there much longer you will turn to stone!
Congratulations to Viv Russell who submitted the winning entry for our Summer Caption Competition.
Buxton’s Street Trees
View of Buxton from Light wood Resevoir
As part of our campaign to raise awareness about Buxtons Street trees, we held a competition for those that attended the Charity Bazaar on Saturday to guess the number of Street Trees in Buxton.
People's guesses ranged from over 16,000 to 150. The actual number of trees as at 1st June 2015 was 945. No one guessed correctly so the winner will be the person who got closest to the actual total. We will be notifying them separately.
Civic Day 20th June 2015
It may seen along way off but by the time Christmas and the New Year is over Civic Day will only be 5 months away.
Civic Day is a national celebration of civic pride. Its a chance for communities across the country to express their pride in the place in which they live. The first civic day was organised in 2011 by Civic Voice, it will be held again in 2015 and, it has the potential to become one of England’s most popular voluntary cultural events. The event is a unique opportunity to stimulate new interest and generate a renewed sense of civic pride for communities across the country.
Although the coordinating work is done by Civic Voice, what really makes this event happen is the fantastic effort of thousands of volunteers. Its the guided tours , the exhibitions, street parties and the competitions that help the visitors understand the area they live in just a little bit more.
BCA is planning to hold an event or a series of events to mark the day. If anyone has any suggestions drop us an email at communications@buxtoncivicassociation.org.uk.