Buxton Group Celebrate 25 years

Joan Hibbert writes:
The Buxton Group was formed in late 1991 in response to the evacuation of the Crescent earlier that year. Initially our aim was to campaign for the future of the building. His Grace the Duke of Devonshire became our Patron. With the help of a petition presented to Parliament, English Heritage stepped in and the fabric of the building was saved from further dereliction.
The Buxton Group soon took on a wider range of issues in the town. We have campaigned for and supported measures which improve conditions for those living in, working in and visiting the town of Buxton. We monitor, comment on and constructively criticise planning applications and have written to object to several major inappropriate proposed building projects.
We instigated the restoration of the Taylor (Children’s) Well, now situated at the junction of Terrace Road and Spring Gardens and gave a donation. Our group were instrumental in establishing the High Peak Health forum to resist closure of the Devonshire Hospital and pressed for improvements to the health provision in the town. We have written to stress the importance of Buxton retaining an ambulance and fire station and supported keeping the Minor Injuries department open. Our group continue to monitor the condition of the Pavilion Gardens buildings and have met with the Council to discuss our concerns and press for action.
We have close links to the Civic Association, Vision Buxton, Friends of the Pavilion Gardens and the Town Team. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month, 7.30pm at the Old Hall Hotel, to discuss and take necessary and appropriate action on what is happening in our town. Members are very welcome to attend these meetings, or you can just become a member to show your support.
Membership Secretary- David Morten davidmorten@talktalk.net- please contact for joining details
Joanne Hibbert -Chair joanne.hibbert37@gmail.com