Big Garden Bird Watch 2023
How to take part and why it is important.

Big Garden Birdwatch Buxton
27-29 January 2023
700,000 people took part in RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2022, counting over 11 million birds, and adding to four decades of data that give a unique insight into changes in our garden bird species.
Whilst this data is an invaluable record of national and regional trends, we hope to build a picture of Buxton's birds by gathering your local counts.
Enjoy watching and counting garden birds for just one hour this weekend and become part of the world's biggest wildlife survey.
Help us build a better picture of Buxton's birds by adding results to a simple online form: (see link below)
It's really important to also send your results to the RSPB by signing up via their website: (see link below)
How to take part
The count takes place during an hour of your choosing from 27 to 29 January 2022. Note down the maximum of each species seen at any one time in your garden during the hour.
Increase your chances of seeing birds by hanging feeders in your garden, and offering favoured food such as sunflower hearts, suet and peanuts.
Why take part?
Many birds have severely declined in recent years, including common species such as House Sparrow and Starling. By keeping local records of bird numbers over time, we can target action to help struggling species by creating better habitats and providing nest sites.