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The Big Conservation Conversation

Civic Voice are inviting Civic Associations and Societies across the country to use Civic Day 2017, 17th June, to focus attention on 50 years of conservation areas.

The Link below provides some more background and details.

If you are interested in doing something get in touch and come along to one of our Places and Spaces meetings.


Flooding and some alternative approaches to flood prevention in the Environment

Flood prevention and protection is a key part of managing the Environment.

The Holincote Estate in the Exmoor National Park, Somerset is owned by the National Trust and covers more than 12000 acres of farmland, woodland and moorland. Since 2009 it has been part of Multi-Objective Flood Management Demonstration Schemes, funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to examine how changes in the management of river catchment areas can influence the incidence and severity of flooding in the area.

The Link to the article below reports on the progress so far.


A young blackbird struggles with her breakfast

I happen to glance up from my desk in the "Monkey House" just as the rain stopped. A young female blackbird tumbled out of the hedge and paused briefly before renewing her attack on a slug that she had dragged down with her.

She pecked at it fitfully for a few seconds and then vigorously wiped her beak on the ground before renewing the assault. Every so often she would pause and then with an almost audible sigh drag the slug a little further along the path.

This went on for half an hour or so. Until eventually she dragged the slug back into the hedge. It began to rain again.

I was very glad that I was not a blackbird.


Summer 2016 Edition

The latest edition of BCA Newsletter is now out. There is a review of Olive Middleton and Trevor Donald's book 'Remember the Past Shape the Future' and a report on the Butterfly survey of 2015. We are also interested in hearing from members who want to get involved in writing, producing etc the newsletter.


The Birds Nest or A Bit of a Cliff Hanger

By Roger Floyd

On Sunday 24 April, BCA’s Clean Team returned to Lovers’ Leap for the second stage of its on-going project to clear the whole beauty spot of rubbish. This time it had its eyes on the stream bed running through the gorge and what it had nicknamed the ‘bird’s nest’.

On the western wall of the gorge, some 15m from its mouth, there is a cleft. This starts below a ledge at the top of the cliff and finishes on solid rock some 8m below, At this point you are still some 20m above the stream. The cleft itself is full of loose natural debris which has accumulated over time and turned it into a steep unstable slope ending in a precipice. However, above this slope is a perfectly safe rock platform not difficult to reach from Dukes Drive and providing beautiful views of the gorge for those who cherish natural beauty. Unfortunately the location also excites to fever pitch the perverse desires of compulsive rubbish tippers. They just can’t stay away from the place. Over time, they must have disposed of literally tons of rubbish by throwing it from this platform down the slope and over the precipice. However, by no means all of it ended up in the stream below.

Growing out of the base of the cleft are two or three sturdy trees. Much of the refuse finished up in these. First, over time, a tarpaulin, plastic sheeting and bags got entangled in the trees forming a ‘safety net’ for much of the rubbish that followed. This included a large plastic water cistern, a double glazed window, broken bags of sand-cement mix, ropes, carpeting, underlay, bags of tin cans and - yes - yet another tent [see first episode in April 21 Advertiser] . From below the whole assemblage gave the appearance of a giant bird’s nest festooned with rubbish.

The Birds Nest

The only way to disentangle the rubbish from the trees was by hand. Someone had to abseil down to them and then tie off so as to be able to use both hands for the job. One Saturday morning in the Café Nero I mentioned the problem to my friend, Simon Hunter, a veteran rock climber and mountaineer. Whew! What a relief! He volunteered for the job straight away!

9 am, two weeks later, I arrived at Lovers Leap to find him already belayed to a stout tree growing above the platform. I watched as he backed down the loose slope and onto the cliff wall. I kept my mind fixed firmly on one of his previous exploits. Once he’d climbed the Piz Badile in the Swiss Alps by the Cassin route. This consists of 200m of relatively easy climbing followed by 800m of vertical or near vertical rock. He’d descended by the same route - 25 abseils, one after the other, on and on into the night. Today’s excursion was just a walk in the park for Simon. Nonetheless, I stayed by the belay. No stranger was going to come near it until Simon had returned to Terra Firma.

Simon frees the cistern from the clutches of the trees

We stacked the rubbish we’d gathered from the stream bed and cliff face at the gorge entrance. With their usual efficiency, High Peak Street Cleaning collected it the next day.

Not quite the whole team. Judith took the photo.