News and Events

We love to hear about your experience and see your photographs through the seasons. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and share our pages. We know we've done a great job when you've had a fantastic day out!

World Premier of ‘Poole Incarnate’ at Cafe in the Cavern

The cafe at Poole's Cavern are hosting a brand new Rock Opera, written by local musician and performer, Will Hawthorne, about the merciless 14th Century villain Arthur Poole who used to hide his ill gotten gains in Poole's Cavern.

The Opera is part of the Buxton Festival Fringe and is being performed in the visitor centre cafe at 8pm on 5th and 10th July. Tickets can be bought from the Visitor Centre at Poole's Cavern £7.50 (£5.00 concessions)

If you click on the links below you can have a sneak preview of the opera.

All proceeds go to the Charity Music in Hospitals and Care.

Peak District EQM award

We are delighted to announce that we have had our EQM award renewed until November 2019.

The Citation on the renewal report read as follows;


Buxton Civic Association manage Poole's Cavern and the surrounding woodland, both of which are sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs). It was clear during the assessment that Buxton Civic Association has a strong commitment to environmental and social issues, as well being passionate about the conservation of their cavern and woodlands. Access for all is also central to their ethos, with some excellent work undertaken to allow less able people to enjoy both. High energy use is a significant environmental impact for the cavern and new LED lighting has been installed to address this.

Thanks to Faith Johnson for the images.

BCA 49th Annual General Meeting

Buxton Civic Association held its 49th AGM at the Devonshire Dome on 18th June 2018. Sixty members packed in to the lecture theatre to hear reports from the Chair Mike Monaghan, and several of the Directors on BCA's activities.

The presentation that was delivered to the meeting can be accessed below.

After four years as Chair. Mike Monagan announced that he would be stepping down as Chair.

Peter Phillipson gave a vote of thanks for all the hard work that Mike has done, in particular in bringing BCA back into the centre of the voluntary groups community in Buxton. This was heartily endorsed by the members.

A full report will be posted to the website shortly.


Martin Wragg will talk about one of the most challenging rock climbs in the world

Martin will talk about a journey to the legendary Cirque of the Unclimables in the remote Logan Mountains at the northern end of the Rockies in Canada's North West Territories to attempt one of the greatest rock climbs in the world guarded by legions of dangerous beasts and the approach from hell.

As usual the talk will be at Poole's Cavern Visitor Centre starting at 7.30pm. Members and friends are welcome and the event is free.

BCA at the Spring Fair on 7th May 2018

The Importance of Trees

We will be at the Spring Fair again this year, up on the market, so why not pop along for a chat about the importance of trees and what BCA does to protect Buxton's beautiful woods and parks.

Come and tell us which are your favourite woods.

Do you have a favourite tree? Let us know and we will post it too our website.

My Favourite Tree Number One

Christine McMullen describes her favourite tree, an Ash Tree outside the entrance to St Peter's Church, Fairfield

This ash tree is outside the entrance to St Peters Church, Fairfield. The photo was taken last July. It is wonderful tree and people pass it when coming to find peace in church, visiting the churchyard or waiting under it when they come with babies for baptism or as bridesmaids to weddings or to say grieving farewells to family members and friends at funerals.

I like the breadth of the shelter of the tree and the dappled sunshine and shade which symbolically affects the lives of all of us.

Christine McMullen

Leader Project

Grant funding brings a welcome to the woods

The Welcome Sign to Grin Woods

One of the Summer Interpretation Signs in Grin Woods

Until a few years ago one of the best kept secrets in Buxton was who was the owners of the beautiful woods that surround the town and add so much to its character.

Most locals and many visitors have spent time in the woods, enjoying the trees, the bird song and in May in Corbar the spectacular blue bell display.

They enjoy following the sculpture trail in Grin Low woods or perhaps stopping to pass the time of day with the quarryman who sits on the main route up to Solomon's Temple.

But ask them who owns the woods and 4 out of 5 will look blank before offering the Council as a possibility.

Now with the help and support of the Leader Project, part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Economic Development, the woods have welcome signs at the entrances and a range of interesting, informative interpretation signs at key points in the woods, to explain and encourage people to look about them. To add to the interest some of these signs change with the seasons.

So now there is no excuse for not knowing who owns the beautiful woodlands.

And the owners?

Buxton Civic Association of course.

Correction to Page 3 of Summer 2018 Newsletter

One of the events in the 2018 Buxton Fringe Festival

The article on page 3 about Trapped, the dance piece by the Experiential Dance Company is part of the Buxton Fringe Festival and not as stated the Buxton Festival.

We apologise for any confusion this may have caused.

The event is at Poole's Cavern on July 18-21.

Bookings via Opera House or or 07870 481057

Newsletter Summer 2018

Read our NEW LOOK Summer 2018 Newsletter online

We are launching our new look Newsletter online, though of course members will still receive a printed version in the post over the next few days.

BCA member Bob Bohme has been working with Newsletter Editor Alyson Phillips to create an exciting newsletter to help explain and promote BCA and its values.

Alyson commentated "It is really exciting to have Bob's creativity and skill to help create a brand new look to the newsletter. We hope you enjoy it and we are already working on the next edition. We welcome contributions and suggestions and please let us know what you think about the new look."