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He moved us forward and now he’s Moving on (Bill Preece)

By Paul Dinsdale - Chair of Buxton Civic Association

Development Director Bill Preece has resigned from the BCA Board, in view of his
forthcoming retirement to his home city of St David’s. The Association is hugely in his debt for all of the hard graft, inspiration and sound advice that he has contributed in twelve years on the Board.

Not only that, but our entire redevelopment programme was largely based on colleagues’ trust in his cool and impartial judgement and his wealth of commercial experience – it would have been difficult to gain approval for the scale of investment required without the confidence which his support inspired in others. Highly regarded on a much broader stage, of course, his Directorship of DDEP and his high level contacts in EMDA certainly didn’t do the Association any harm, either!

Over his years on the Board, Bill became adept at sourcing various substantial grants that have been crucial in underpinning the projects that have resulted in our growth and financial stability today.

Bill was an obvious choice to undertake our recent Management Review - a task that he carried out with typical efficiency, enthusiasm and professionalism.

On a personal level, I too am largely in Bill's debt, for all the years of support and good advice, particularly since I became Chairman. Those exhortations to “keep a cool ‘ead”, to “never let the sun set on your anger”, and, perhaps the most irritating of all, “If you haven’t done it, you haven’t done it”, have, hopefully, made some impression on me – although Bill may sadly regard it as very much a work still in progress!

Wonderful Woodlands

Wonderful Woodlands - Autumn 2013 (Issue 25)

The Buxton Civic Association is very proud of its responsibility for many of the woods that circle the town and when walking the Ring of Trees, our circular walk through Buxton’s woodlands, their diversity should be celebrated. In this issue we have highlighted Corbar Woods and Shay Lodge Wood our marvellous resource for health and well-being in all seasons.

Corbar Woods

Look at any 19th century print of the Crescent, such as the fine display in No6 Café or those frequently shown in the Art Gallery, and you will see a massively enlarged Corbar Hill in the background covered on its western side with trees. Corbar Wood, 54 acres – just over half the area of Grin Low Wood, is our only semi-natural ancient woodland, mentioned in a woodland inventory of about 500 years ago and possessing some of the signs of very old woodland: a magnificent area of bluebells which grow best in woodland and take centuries to spread; a vestigial and possibly mediaeval boundary ditch to protect the valuable coppiced trees; and the remains of a white coal pit, dug to provide super dried coppice branches which could create the higher temperatures than charcoal which were needed for smelting lead.


In the early Victorian period when Buxton was being developed by the 6th Duke of Devonshire as a spa resort for the increasingly prosperous and numerous middle classes Corbar Wood was developed as a visitor attraction by laying out broad walks, rustic bridges, seats, shelters, and viewpoints, probably supervised by Sir Joseph Paxton, the Duke’s head gardener, engineer and architect. Nothing remains of the pretty rustic bridges and summer houses, and to get the views you have to walk higher up to Corbar Cross, erected by Buxton Catholics in 1950 to mark the Jubilee Year. Considering the popularity of the ‘Swiss Walks’ and the Victorian fascination with the developing art of photography, remarkably few photographs of the Corbar Walks, bridges and arbours survive among the large collection of historic photographs in the Buxton Art Gallery and Museum.

The layout of the Victorian walks survives but over many decades their surfaces have been badly eroded and there is poor natural drainage as the rock beneath is impermeable gritstone. The annual autumnal leaf litter has built up and after rain and snow creates a potentially hazardous quagmire. Walkers naturally avoid these patches and so broaden the paths and extend the slippery areas. Over the last few years BCA has made a determined effort, mainly by Mike Monaghan and Alan Walker, and with valuable advice from Phil Beh-Mycock, to rebuild the surfaces of at least the public rights of way (also on the ‘Ring of Trees’ guided walk). Local quarries,Tarmac, Lhoist and Omya have provided many tons of aggregate and to High Peak Borough Council has made grants to employ a skilled professional path builder, Martin Wragg (Oak Tree Landscapes).

After a few seasons the surface of the paths blends in with the woodland floor and has certainly made walking through
this beautiful wood a much more agreeable experience. Some repaired paths are now even accessible to wheelchair users and buggies. We are very grateful to all who have made these improvements possible. The flora and fauna of Corbar cannot compete with the rich variety you can find in Grin Low Wood, especially the limestone loving flowers in the glades there: Corbar is no SSSI, but it has its own beauties. In May the bluebells in the far western part of the wood are a sight to behold, and the eroded old quarries below them provide dramatic contours – and challenges to local children to scramble up or slide down. There are some splendid veteran beeches, ancient yews and a few gnarled oaks. If you haven’t explored Corbar Wood yet, do spare a few hours to get to know it: you will find it very rewarding.

Shay Lodge Wood

If you ever wanted a wood for a perfect setting for Winnie the Pooh then here’s a perfect candidate. The winding path and impressive mature trees are pure, peaceful ‘storybook’. The exceptional views from the edge of the wood down towards Bishop’s Lane and Buxton itself make a local so proud of Derbyshire’s unique beauty. For a short walk from The Duke pub in Burbage go down Nursery Lane (opposite the pub and at the side of the churchyard). This becomes Bishop’s Lane. Walk down this beautiful straight lane, unusually lined with hedgerows, and take the left turning up a steep hill, to Plex Farm.

Plex Farm was the home of Ivor Morten or ‘Fella Morten’, Fellow of the Royal Zoological Society, Chair of the Peak District National Park and the Board of Buxton Civic Association. Go left through Plex farm yard, between the barns, heading straight for the wood ahead. Cross two stiles, following the field edge, to reach Shay Lodge Wood where you will see the BCA sign near the stile. Follow the path through the wood and across fields to the farm. Pass the farm, keeping to the farm track and you will emerge onto Macclesfield Old Road. Turning left here will take you down to Burbage. At Burbage lights you turn left towards The Duke. For a longer walk you could continue with the route described in our circular walk book, ‘Ring of Trees.’

Members’ Events Date For Your Diary

Check out our events page to keep updated with news of what's happening at the Cavern, BCA activities including more updates of what's on in and around Buxton.

Halloween Pumpkins and Bats

26th October – 3rd November (half term) plus competitions and free lollies! The cavern will be decorated with pumpkin lanterns. Can you count them all? The café will provide delicious themed soup and spooky biscuits.

Wine Tasting Evening

Saturday 16th November The café has been hired for a charity wine tasting
evening in aid of the Fistula Foundation in Sierra Leone. The charity off ers surgery
that restores women to health, improves self-esteem and helps people towards
an independent future. There will be live music and a buff et. All welcome.
Please phone Patty Hoskin 01298 72217 for tickets and more information.

Club Night 7pm Poole’s Cavern Café

Thursday 21st November My Life Underground – A talk by Alan Walker.
This will be an opportunity for members of the Civic Association to share in Alan’s
enthusiasm for the cave and his experiences of caving all over (or is it under?) the world. I know that it is his intention to continue to spend time in Buxton, but I suspect that in the near future, a great deal of time may be spent in St David’s establishing his new household, and in finding a new home for his pride and joy, "Bonnie Mae".

All his colleagues in BCA wish him and Pam the very best of health and happiness in the gradual transition into retirement, and we look forward to seeing him at every opportunity when he does return in the future.

Download the full BCA newsletter Issue 25 Autumn 2013

Looks Good and Does You Good


As we look forward to the beautiful colours of Autumn in Grin Woods take the
opportunity to visit the Country Park with this beautiful photograph and discover the Devil’s Scabious in ‘the Glade’ on the ash mounds.

This purple flower belongs to the teasel family and is frequently visited by the bees and butterflies for nectar. (PAGE 41) From a guide to the ‘Wild Flowers of Grin Low Country Park’ by June and Lyn Noble.

A New Campaign

Fresh air without getting soaked

As the old Buxton Water Plant is being removed due to concerns over vandalism it
is important to keep a close eye on the press. The photograph, taken from Holker Road, reveals what effect such a large and prominent site has on our town.

Nestle has assured the Council that there is ‘going to be more flexibility in relation to the land.’ (Buxton Advertiser 31/01/13). The consultation period ended in April and the formal representations are now due so we must check to see updates on preferred options.

Old photographs of Buxton with its beautiful canopies show what a practical solution the Victorians had to our special climate. They enjoyed healthy fresh air, without the inconvenience of being soaked through between visits to independent and individual shops. What a wonderful idea for the future.

Woodland Glades Conservation Continues By Alan Walker

The  botanically  important  glade areas in  Grin  Low woods will receive theire annual autumn cut this month and I am often asked why we do  this  to what  seems a wild area of natural grassland. The  woodland  glade  areas  are  associated  with  the  17th  and  18th  century  lime  burning industry. Waste Limestone ash was tipped  below  each  kiln  and the highly contaminated and alkaline ground wasn't planted with trees. 

Slowly the areas were colonised by lime loving species of herbaceous plants and grasses such as Northern Marsh Orchid, Burnet Everlasting, Creeping willow and Juniper. Unlike the neighbouring farmland, this unique habitat wasn’t grazed or fertilized by animal livestock

Recognising the Juniper as the only surviving example in Derbyshire, the area of Grin Low was designated as a site of Special Nature Conservancy Council (now Natural England). It was re­-designated in 1981 under the Wildlife and Countryside Act.

Over 15 years ago it was recognised that these valuable areas could be lost without careful management, encroached by rank species of grasses and invasive trees such as Birch and Ash. At the time rabbits grazed the glades but with outbreaks of Myxomatosis an artificial solution became necessary. Since then the glades have been cut annually, a project originally funded by Natural England. The cuttings are raked Since then the glades have been cut annually, a project originally funded by Natural England.

The cuttings are raked and removed from the glade to prevent the thin soil layer from becoming too enriched and able to support invasive species. In this highly labour intensive time our woodland volunteers are invaluable, assisting with grass clearing and cutting back saplings on the glade edges.

We have now brought eight or so glades back to a good condition ­ around seven acres of the 100 acres of Grin Low Wood ­ and 100 acres of Grin Low Wood ­ and hope to enlarge some of these areas further. Funding is currently unavailable for this project, which makes volunteer help even more important. If anyone has a few hours to spare in September and October please contact Alan at Poole’s Cavern Visitor Centre on 01298 26978.

Using the Past to Look Forward

Welcome to our new archivist ­ Lindsay Rolland

As the 50th anniversary of the Association is fast approaching it’s time to get our archives in order Lindsay Rolland has a Masters in librarianship and has kindly volunteered to attempt to make our archives more ‘user friendly’.
Lindsay says, “I’m trying to get a catalogue of everything in the database that can be searched by place, time or event so people can find the source they’re looking for. And I’m trying to make it as accessible as possible so you don’t need me to work it for you.”

Why Did We Save Grin Low Tower aka Solomon’s Temple?

Buxton is fortunate in its inheritance of historic buildings set in beautiful countryside. The price of keeping them is constant vigilance and our Civic association is one of Buxton’s ‘watchdogs’. The aims of BCA are exemplified in its relationship with one of Buxton’s high spots – Solomon’s Temple.

Civics and Celebrity
The Buxton Advertiser of January 1987 (below right) showed a large picture of the fenced off tower. The tower was in danger of collapse and £20,000 was needed for repairs. The Countryside Commission and County Council set aside money but there was a shortfall of £7,500. The Civic Association had to act quickly! Repair work began in late July 1987. Children from four local schools were photographed as they raised £1,700 towards the appeal. Local pubs raised money ‘over the bar’. Buxton born star Tim BrookeTaylor returned to help raise cash to stop Grin Tower from being demolished. ‘One of his first and most exciting memories is of walking through Grin Wood,climbing the spiral staircase of Solomon’s Temple and taking in the view stretching from Mam Tor to Axe Edge.’

It has long been recognised that locals and tourists are attracted by a focal point to walk to and connect with. There has been a Temple or Tower on Grin Low Hill for 150 years. It is recorded in William Adam’s book Gem of the Peak in 1838. He said ‘it forms a conspicuous and interesting object from Buxton’. It was built to ‘afford occupation to the unemployed of Buxton’. Croston’s guide of 1865 stated it was ‘built to resemble at a distance a ruined tower.’ But by the end of the century it ‘had succumbed to wind and became a mere heap of stones.’ (W.M.Turner) Amongst these remains an ancient Bronze Age barrow was discovered displayed at Poole’s Cavern and in Buxton Museum.

Planners’ Dreams
In 1894 a committee had been formed with the intention of building a replacement. Aware of its attraction for tourists the new tower was designed with a powerful telescope, stained glass windows, doors and a flagpole a sum of £150 was required. When the Foundation stone was laid on 4th June 1896 flags were flying and upon a pole was affixed a coloured sketch of the proposed tower. In the rear stood Fairfield Band whose Colonel Sidebottom asserted that, ‘it would not only be a place of shelter but where they could partake of “… the cup that cheers but not inebriates” and ‘provide yet another source of attraction and so benefit the resident of Buxton.’

Vandalism took away the stained glass windows, oak door and flag pole and by 1985 the temple was in a dangerous state and it had to be closed to the public and a fence placed around. During the 1970's it became officially owned by Derbyshire County Council and the neighbouring woodland had been donated to Buxton and District Civic Association in the 1960s. By 1987 it was once again time for an appeal and the intervention of local Buxtonians united by the Civic Association saved Solomon’s Temple. The spirit engendered by the need to preserve what is important to Buxton as a destination for tourists and a beautiful place to live is encapsulated in the renewing of this treasured icon. Let us hope that the current members of the BCA are aware of this important gift that has been placed in their
hands to watch over.

Working with the Community
Today we continue to raise awareness of planning issues that will affect the future of our unique town. We are currently being invited to take part in consultation to help to shape the future of Buxton. We should all take up the invitation and give our views individually as well as through BCA.

Why save the ‘Serps’?
It would be so good if BCA could encourage High Peak Borough Council to develop their logo from ‘working for the community’ to ‘working with the community’.

Proposals to build three houses in the Serpentine, with resulting detriment to a valued community facility, are a case in point. It has to be assumed that these proposals are based on a rational judgement by the Council but it has proved very difficult engaging with them. They initially wanted to make their planning decision before the closing date for comments.

Other things have also made it difficult to contribute to the Serpentine Proposals which have just been withdrawn – but for how long? The proposals might be driven by the need for a ‘cash strapped’ Council to gain revenue even at cost to our heritage – it is not clear but if cards are put as openly as possible on the table then the creativity of the community is able to be tapped and a great idea may emerge.