Latest news and updates from BCA and Poole's Cavern

BCA has put together a history quiz that takes you from Buxton Town Hall on the market place and around Higher Buxton before finishing at the museum. Once you have completed the quiz email us your answer sheet and we will email you the answers.
You will learn some interesting facts about some of the buildings and use your observational skills to answer the quiz questions.
Down load the quiz by clicking on the link below. Once you have completed the quiz then email it to us and we will send you the answers.
This edition focuses on Buxton's Transport with contributions from BCA Member Ian Morris and an interview with Buxton Town Team's Tina Heathcote. We also have some thoughts on getting inspiration from nature during the lockdown from Frances Sussex and the latest on BCA's save our swifts project. Trevor Donald takes a look at excursions from Buxton in 1819. Lyn Noble writes about being inspired by Buxton's woodlands to paint and members can order prints of his woodland paintings.