A Video by Andy Parker on the Serpentine Community Farm

The Serpentine Community Farm was set up four years ago and had faced a constant struggle to stay on the site of the Serpentine Nursery. Other sites had been considered but none proved suitable. Meanwhile the site had been transformed from a neglected dilapidated space into a vibrant community garden, a haven for the young and old, the green fingered and the not so green fingered. It became a place to learn and a place to share knowledge. A few weeks ago High Peak Borough Council gave notice that they wanted the Community Farm to vacate their base on the Serpentine site by 31st July 2018. Denied even the opportunity ti water and harvest the plants that were growing, the process of packing up and storing equipment began.
But on the 19th July High Peak Borough Council had a change of heart and reconsidered their decision. They offered the community farm an eighteenth month temporary lease while a more permanent solution was sought.
Great news indeed. On the last Sunday of the 2018 Festival the community farm hosted a fringe event "Give Peas a chance."
This is Andy's short video celebrating the community farm, the people and its future.
The journey continues.