Stronger Roots - Who are we working with?
The Stronger Roots Project aims to regenerate our community woodlands and also grow people’s connection with nature particularly within the woodlands of Buxton – bringing health and regeneration to all.
Stronger Roots Menu
Greenwood Growth CIC
Forest School helps to bring people to the trees of Grinlow Woods on a regular and engaging basis.
Website link: http://greenwoodgrowth.org
Lorna has been running Forest School session in Grinlow and beyond for many years. Stronger Roots has enabled us to provide regular PLAY WILD sessions for ‘little people’ aged five and younger on most Monday mornings.
Lorna also helps to support some of our Green Social Prescribing programme of activities.
Babbling Vagabonds
Are creating and performing a piece of community theatre.
Website link: http://babblingvagabonds.co.uk
To create a new community engagement piece of theatre for the Buxton woods (owned by BCA), that engages with the Stronger Roots project.
There are two themes that we need to address ‘Rejuvenation’- represented by woodland cycles and ‘Healing’- mental and physical well being through contact with nature.
Creeping Toad
Working with groups to find ways of celebrating the relationships between people and the places where they live, work and play.
Creeping Toad is Gordon MacLellan. Long established as one of Britain’s leading environmental educators, Gordon runs events, workshops and training courses with groups from activity days with schools and on holiday playschemes to training courses at some of Britain’s leading environmental centres.
Drawing on a background that ranges from a zoology degree to teaching and environmental education, Gordon weaves science, people and wild creativity into his work.
Red Oak Bushcraft
Our family friendly Bushcraft sessions are delivered by the amazing Peter from Red Oak Bushcraft.
A skilled outdoorsman, with more years under his belt than he’d care to mention. His sessions are always varied and fun – but will engage all ages.
A mixture of family friendly introduction sessions and some more advanced skills workshops for older or more experienced folk.
Yama Yoga
Website: https://yamayogacoaching.com/
A series of amazing Woodland Yoga sessions
Noelle is an expert at delivering some splendid yoga coaching within a woodland setting.
Suitable for absolute novices, right through to super bendy yoga masters! Iyengar Yoga is for everyone – so don’t be shy!
We have a range of classes that run throughout the warmer months.
Bob Chiang
He’ll be running Tai chi and mindfulness sessions.
Website: https://www.bobchiang.com
Learn Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a martial art originating in China. Nowadays the health aspect is emphasised with it’s gentle form of exercises and practiced around the world. It helps to develop a healthy body and mind. It has many benefits in terms of relaxation, stress-relief, increased flexibility, and fitness.
Learn Mindfulness meditation to increase your mental, emotional and physical well-being.
We will be going through the basics of Mindfulness meditation, what it is about, the benefits of it, the techniques and how to apply it in daily life. If you are new or an advanced practitioner the sessions are suitable for everyone.
In Mindfulness we are developing the skills to be happier, more at peace and content.
Stronger Roots - Greener Futures
BCA Stronger Roots is always keen to work with more partner organisations - if you're keen to be involve, or if you would like to us to support you - please contact Frag Last (see below)

Frag Last (Community Engagement Officer)
Frag is responsible for working with organisations across Buxton to pull together our programme of community events. An experienced outdoor practitioner, Frag is also delivering a range of events and activities throughout the year (see the Events and Bookings page for more details). You can contact Frag on
Proudly supported by The National Lottery Community Fund

The Stronger Roots Project is now in it’s third year, having engaged with over six thousand participants across a range of woodland based activities and events. Helping to connect people with nature, landscape and a sense of place and belonging. Helping to rewild people and the woodland places of Buxton.
We’re always keen to do more and to link up with other communities within Buxton and beyond!
Please contact Frag Last to explore new horizons and opportunities –