Thank you for helping to STOP High Peak Borough Council from selling off Buxton’s heritage.
STOP The Buxton Sell-Off
The former parks depot located alongside the Serpentine Walks was earmarked for housing – Now after a successful campaign, the site, transformed by the Serpentine Community Farm volunteers, given to Buxton by the Duke of Devonshire in 1890 (along with the Serpentine Walks and the Pavilion Gardens) on condition that it should be used only for horticultural purposes will continue to thrive.
You helped us take action:
A previous housing application by HPBC for the site had many objections, including objections from Historic England. This time the council has ignored the concerns of thousands of local people who have signed petitions to stop the sale – and is refusing to discuss its actions.
We do not think the council has any right to sell off this community asset, adjoining a Grade II-listed park. It should be enjoyed by locals and visitors, now and for the future. If this sale goes through, more of Buxton’s heritage could well follow.
If you are a resident or visitor, thank you for helping us to stop the council by supporting STOP the sell-off:
BCA is active in the planning process
BCA have specific interests in planning and conservation in the High Peak find out how active we are in assisting with the planning process.
Conservation Areas In Buxton – PDF Downloads
There are five Conservation Areas in Buxton. The Fairfield one was not included in the 2007 appraisal. See boundary plans:
Engaging with the Planning Authority
To see the details of any Planning Application first visit the Planning Portal link
High Peak Borough Council Planning Portal
Search for a planning application
Think we should comment on a particular Planning Application? Let us know
This will bring you to a page headed ‘Planning Applications’. The bottom of the page has some useful links in red. Click the ‘Planning Application Search’ link and you will get a form with a variety of spaces on it.
The most effective searches are achieved with the minimum of entries on this page, as details that do not exactly match the records foul things up. Just enter the HPK number (if known) or the basic street address and click search. A small table of ‘Planning Application Search Results’ will appear.
More details can be called up by clicking the red number to go to the ‘Planning Application Details’. This may have further links so that you can see the actual application documents or after a decision has been made, the ‘Decision Notice’.
If you do not have access to the internet, a copy of any current Planning Application for Buxton, and the immediate area around should be available at the reception desk of the Town Hall.
It is wise to call and make sure the application you wish to view is available on 01298 28400, you will probably view the application on a computer in the reception area.
Planning Applications which the BCA Planning Team are currently considering will appear on our planning page.
We are currently reviewing the application for the development of the land at the old Buxton Mineral Water plant Station Road Buxton.
Making your views known
Once you are informed about the details of any application, you can comment in a variety of ways. The easiest is to click on the ‘Comment on this application’ button on the details page. This provides you with a form to enter your comments. Your comments will be available to view a few days later as attachments to the planning application, lower down on the same page.
Clicking the red name will take you to the ‘Development Control Staff Contacts’ page where all the planning staff have their e-mail addresses listed. Clicking the red address should open a new e-mail message on your own computer.
High Peak Borough Council, Buxton Town Hall, Market Place, Buxton, SK17 6EL
Planning applications, make a valid comment
BCA Planning Team – Terms of Reference
Contact the Councillors on the Development Control (Planning) Committee:
Councilors on the Control Committee
Find meeting agendas, officer reports and minutes with councilor names and contact details
Weekly list of Planning Applications / Decisions
Development Control meetings diary
The latest Draft of the Local Plan was published on 23 April 2014
The BCA Planning Group
We have taken part in various consultations, including the Station Road Design Framework, the Pavilion Gardens redevelopment plans and Shaping the Future of the High Peak.
BCA is an independent Body
In all these activities our strength is that we are an independent body with the general well-being of the town at heart. We have earned a reputation with the Local Authority for being informed, sound and honest and our views are valued as part of the planning process. Through our Planning Team, the Buxton Civic Association helps to preserve and enhance Buxton’s unique heritage and its built environment.