Buxton Civic Association

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Ring of Trees

A circular walk around Buxton through its woodlands

This 10 mile (16km) walk passes through most of the woods that surround Buxton. To complete the ‘core’ walk comfortably, allow 4 1/2 to 5 hours.

It divides into three sections:

  • Grin Wood (Poole’s Cavern) to Ashwood Dale (3.1 miles/5km)
  • Ashwood Dale to Gadley Wood (2.8 miles/4.5km)
  • Gadley Wood back to Grin Wood (4.1 miles/6km)

You can spend a day completing the entire walk and gain an ever-changing perspective of the town from its woods. Or pick a bite-sized chunk of the circle, covering one or more woods, choosing a direction and a starting point that suits the time you have available and your particular interests.

Download the Guide (Adobe pdf):

pdf Ring of Trees (9.2MB)

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Buxton Civic Association Ltd, A company registered in England & Wales with Company Number 944439.
Registered charity number in England & Wales 258163. Registered office: Poole’s Cavern, Green Lane,
Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 9DH. All rights reserved. Design: Charlotte Tangye Design

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