Buxton Civic Association owns and is responsible for Poole’s Cavern, the Visitor Centre, Grin Low Country Park and other local woods and land.

The Association promotes the preservation of Buxton’s historical and natural environment and is committed to:

• Enhancing the environmental and social benefits arising from our facilities/land;
• Minimising any adverse environmental impacts that may arise from our activities.
• Working with bodies and local organisations to preserve our historical heritage and the natural environment.

To achieve our environmental objectives we will:

• Conserve biodiversity on our land and protect the unique fragile habitat of Pooles Cavern,
• Minimise the use of energy to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions,
• Minimise the use of water,
• Reduce the use of materials and where appropriate recycle or reuse materials to minimise waste,
• Avoid, where reasonably practicable, the use of toxic and hazardous substances,
• Procure, where possible, food, catering supplies and other materials from local sustainable sources,
• Promote, enhance and encourage good environmental practice to our staff, members, volunteers, contractors, suppliers and visitors to encourage caring for the environment through staff training, educational projects, contractor/supplier information, visitor information and multimedia,
• Comply with all relevant environmental legislation and aim to adopt best practice and standards in any codes of practice or advice,
• Work with local organisations to further our environmental and social objectives,
• Set good environmental practice through the information we provide and the work we do.

We will regularly report on our environmental performance against the objectives and targets we set.

Approved by
Board of Directors
Buxton Civic Association Ltd

20th March 2017