Places and Spaces Project – update

The Places and Spaces project is progressing. Further to the members meeting held in May, we are publishing (see link below) a complete list of the sites that were selected. We have also attached the list of selections sorted by themes.

The list is not final, and will be added to as and when further places and spaces are notified as being of relevance to the project.

A further meeting was held on 19th July and it was agreed that three of those themes would be further developed.

The three themes are;

1. Gateways to the town.
2. Vulnerable and at risk sites
3. Heritage trails

Three groups have been set up to progress these elements of the project. If anyone is interested in being involved please get in touch by email to our email address on the contact page on this website.

List of selections made at Places and Spaces Meeting 14th May 2015